今回は下記書籍のk平均法による画像の減色処理のコードを Ruby で実装してみたいと思います。
The Python Imaging Library Handbook
from PIL import Image im = Image.open("photo.jpg") pixels = list(im.convert('RGB').getdata())
Ruby版では ImageMagick をインストールし、RMagick を使って画像を扱いました。
RMagick 2.12.0 User's Guide and Reference
下記サイトを参考にさせていただき、 export_pixels メソッドで取得した 16bit のRGBデータを 8bit に変換しました。
irb(main):001:0> require 'rmagick' => true irb(main):002:0> img = Magick::ImageList.new('./photo.jpg') => [./photo.jpg JPEG 520x346 520x346+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 46kb] scene=0 irb(main):003:0> img.export_pixels.map {|p| p / 257 }.each_slice(3).to_a
Python版ではランダムな整数を取得するために numpy.random.randint を使っています。
from numpy.random import randint randint(256)
numpy.random.randint — NumPy v1.12 Manual
このメソッドは引数に渡した整数未満のランダムな整数を返すと言うことで、引数もその範囲に含む random.randint とは動きが異なるようです。
Ruby版では Random#rand メソッドが同様の挙動になります。
random = Random.new random.rand(256)
for i in range(k): center_new[i] = center_new[i] / num_points[i]
このとき、特にクラスタ数が多いケースだと、あるクラスタに属する点がないときに num_points[i] が 0 になり、ゼロ徐算が発生します。 center_new[i] は ndarray のオブジェクトですが、通常の数値計算のゼロ徐算だとエラーになるのに対し、ndarrayに対するゼロ徐算はWarningで、エラーにはならないようです。
>>> np.array([100, 100, 100]) / 0 __main__:1: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in divide array([0, 0, 0])
Ruby では Numo::NArray に対するゼロ徐算はエラーになります。
irb(main):085:0* Numo::NArray[100,100,100] / 0 ZeroDivisionError: error in NArray operation from (irb):85:in `/' from (irb):85 from /usr/local/rbenv/versions/2.3.1/bin/irb:11:in `<main>'
このエラーを回避するために、 num_points[i] が 0 の場合は、 Numo::NArray[0, 0, 0] を返すようにしました。
k.times do |i| if num_points[i] == 0 center_new[i] = Numo::NArray[0, 0, 0] next end center_new[i] = center_new[i] / num_points[i] end
im.putdata(result) # Update image im.save("output%02d.bmp" % k, "BMP")
Ruby版では Magick::Image#import_pixels で計算結果を反映して、 Magick::Image#write で別ファイルとして保存しました。読み込みの時に export_pixels で取得した配列データを 8bit に変換してRGB区切りの配列データにしたので、それとは逆に、一次元配列に戻して16bitに変換したものを渡しています。
img.import_pixels(0, 0, img.columns, img.rows, "RGB", result.flatten.map {|p| p * 257 }) img.write("bmp:output%02d.bmp" % k)
# k平均法による画像の減色処理 require 'rmagick' require 'numo/narray' Colors = [2, 3, 5, 16] # 減色後の色数 # k平均法による減色処理 def run_kmeans(pixels, k) cls = Array.new(pixels.size).fill(0) # 代表色の初期値をランダムに設定 random = Random.new center = k.times.map { Numo::NArray[random.rand(256), random.rand(256), random.rand(256)] } puts "Initial centers: #{center.map(&:to_a)}" puts "========================" distortion = 0.0 # 最大50回のIterationを実施 50.times do |iter_num| center_new = Array.new(k).fill(Numo::NArray[0, 0, 0]) num_points = Array.new(k).fill(0) distortion_new = 0.0 # E Phase: 各データが属するグループ(代表色)を計算 pixels.each_with_index do |point, pix| min_dist = 256 * 256 * 3 point = Numo::NArray[*point] k.times do |i| d = (point - center[i]).cast_to(Numo::Int64).to_a.inject(0) {|sum, x| sum + (x ** 2) } if d < min_dist min_dist = d cls[pix] = i end center_new[cls[pix]] += point num_points[cls[pix]] += 1 distortion_new += min_dist end end # M Phase: 新しい代表色を計算 k.times do |i| if num_points[i] == 0 center_new[i] = Numo::NArray[0, 0, 0] next end center_new[i] = center_new[i] / num_points[i] end center = center_new puts center.map(&:to_a).inspect puts "Distortion: J=#{distortion_new}" # Distortion(J)の変化が0.1%未満になったら終了 if iter_num > 0 && distortion - distortion_new < distortion * 0.001 break end distortion = distortion_new end # 画像データの各ピクセルを代表色で置き換え pixels.each_with_index do |point, pix| pixels[pix] = center[cls[pix]].to_a end pixels end Colors.each do |k| puts "" puts "========================" puts "Number of clusters: K=#{k}" # 画像ファイルの読み込み img = Magick::ImageList.new('./photo.jpg') pixels = img.export_pixels.map {|p| p / 257 }.each_slice(3).to_a # k平均法による減色処理 result = run_kmeans(pixels, k) img.import_pixels(0, 0, img.columns, img.rows, "RGB", result.flatten.map {|p| p * 257 }) img.write("bmp:output%02d.bmp" % k) end
$ ruby 06-k_means.rb ======================== Number of clusters: K=2 Initial centers: [[73, 209, 26], [101, 193, 89]] ======================== [[147, 136, 114], [177, 155, 141]] Distortion: J=11686169170.0 [[140, 126, 102], [231, 210, 215]] Distortion: J=5777512344.0 [[143, 126, 103], [237, 225, 228]] Distortion: J=4710119998.0 [[143, 126, 104], [238, 228, 231]] Distortion: J=4670715192.0 [[143, 126, 104], [238, 228, 231]] Distortion: J=4668708398.0 ======================== Number of clusters: K=3 Initial centers: [[214, 192, 131], [132, 203, 96], [118, 69, 71]] ======================== [[193, 169, 164], [99, 112, 65], [104, 83, 52]] Distortion: J=8555090758.0 [[192, 173, 165], [102, 106, 61], [105, 55, 41]] Distortion: J=6458497492.0 [[192, 173, 165], [101, 104, 60], [110, 46, 40]] Distortion: J=6391712615.0 [[192, 173, 165], [100, 103, 59], [120, 41, 42]] Distortion: J=6384285256.0 [[192, 173, 165], [96, 101, 56], [153, 33, 52]] Distortion: J=6369689981.0 [[191, 173, 165], [94, 100, 55], [182, 35, 64]] Distortion: J=6295123108.0 [[191, 174, 165], [93, 99, 54], [185, 38, 68]] Distortion: J=6267370834.0 [[191, 174, 165], [93, 99, 54], [186, 40, 70]] Distortion: J=6265803130.0 ======================== Number of clusters: K=5 Initial centers: [[194, 128, 53], [20, 175, 19], [143, 69, 162], [10, 6, 13], [232, 145, 213]] ======================== [[164, 135, 117], [67, 100, 43], [219, 196, 202], [49, 63, 25], [235, 218, 223]] Distortion: J=17277755636.0 [[174, 141, 131], [84, 99, 48], [235, 220, 224], [71, 50, 25], [245, 243, 244]] Distortion: J=7740485201.0 [[179, 148, 140], [91, 101, 52], [237, 227, 230], [89, 45, 29], [250, 249, 249]] Distortion: J=7006558605.0 [[182, 151, 144], [94, 102, 54], [238, 230, 233], [103, 42, 34], [251, 251, 251]] Distortion: J=6813616639.0 [[183, 153, 146], [94, 102, 54], [239, 232, 234], [118, 38, 38], [252, 252, 252]] Distortion: J=6752640626.0 [[183, 154, 147], [90, 99, 52], [239, 232, 235], [164, 29, 51], [252, 252, 252]] Distortion: J=6699438034.0 [[182, 155, 147], [89, 98, 52], [239, 233, 235], [181, 32, 61], [252, 252, 252]] Distortion: J=6536049096.0 [[182, 156, 147], [89, 98, 51], [239, 233, 235], [183, 35, 64], [252, 252, 252]] Distortion: J=6513101512.0 [[182, 156, 147], [89, 98, 51], [239, 233, 235], [184, 36, 65], [252, 252, 252]] Distortion: J=6510842397.0 ======================== Number of clusters: K=16 Initial centers: [[240, 182, 207], [150, 87, 15], [121, 236, 188], [140, 204, 22], [66, 131, 79], [157, 120, 116], [17, 196, 63], [164, 6, 24], [34, 40, 245], [45, 113, 4], [229, 65, 229], [117, 158, 111], [114, 36, 146], [51, 62, 230], [ 48, 35, 252], [14, 78, 55]] ======================== [[225, 210, 211], [118, 82, 56], [151, 171, 141], [124, 151, 86], [82, 111, 55], [176, 118, 115], [0, 0, 0], [176, 22, 51], [0, 0, 0], [49, 76, 26], [234, 96, 155], [125, 150, 99], [131, 57, 81], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [38, 63, 27]] Distortion: J=17994009460.0 [[226, 215, 214], [117, 78, 55], [169, 157, 139], [116, 141, 83], [78, 107, 48], [201, 99, 122], [24, 49, 15], [180, 25, 54], [0, 0, 0], [46, 72, 26], [224, 103, 146], [121, 147, 105], [153, 62, 72], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [32, 57, 20]] Distortion: J=12774225380.0 [[226, 216, 215], [115, 77, 53], [176, 153, 141], [112, 137, 80], [75, 105, 46], [210, 84, 119], [31, 57, 19], [179, 23, 52], [9, 21, 8], [49, 74, 28], [226, 116, 157], [125, 150, 107], [163, 67, 73], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [33, 59, 20]] Distortion: J=12102951219.0 [[226, 217, 216], [114, 77, 53], [181, 150, 142], [110, 136, 78], [74, 103, 44], [211, 74, 114], [34, 59, 20], [177, 22, 49], [14, 35, 10], [51, 76, 29], [226, 129, 164], [129, 152, 106], [168, 70, 77], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [36, 62, 21]] Distortion: J=11926470826.0 [[226, 217, 216], [113, 78, 53], [184, 148, 143], [109, 135, 77], [73, 102, 43], [210, 68, 109], [35, 61, 21], [174, 21, 47], [18, 41, 12], [52, 78, 30], [227, 135, 168], [131, 152, 106], [170, 73, 79], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [39, 65, 21]] Distortion: J=11849083461.0 [[226, 217, 216], [112, 79, 53], [186, 146, 144], [108, 135, 77], [72, 101, 43], [209, 64, 105], [37, 62, 21], [172, 20, 45], [20, 45, 13], [53, 79, 31], [227, 137, 170], [132, 152, 107], [169, 76, 80], [9, 18, 5], [0, 0, 0], [42, 67, 21] ] Distortion: J=11816838760.0 [[226, 217, 216], [111, 80, 53], [188, 145, 144], [108, 135, 77], [72, 101, 42], [208, 60, 102], [38, 63, 22], [171, 19, 44], [22, 47, 14], [54, 79, 32], [227, 138, 171], [133, 152, 107], [168, 80, 81], [10, 27, 9], [0, 0, 0], [44, 69, 21 ]] Distortion: J=11800409417.0 [[226, 217, 216], [110, 81, 53], [189, 143, 144], [108, 135, 77], [71, 101, 42], [207, 58, 99], [39, 64, 22], [170, 19, 43], [23, 48, 14], [54, 79, 32], [228, 138, 171], [134, 153, 108], [167, 84, 82], [12, 33, 9], [0, 0, 0], [46, 71, 20] ] Distortion: J=11789721844.0